New Adoption Application

Best Time to Call
Which FLORIDA county do you live in: (Please note: If you are outside CBR’s coverage area, you will need to apply with your area’s local Boxer rescue before adopting from CBR)(Required)
Which are you applying for: Check all that apply(Required)
Have you ever applied or been previously approved with CBR before?

Household information

Has everyone in your household agreed to adopt a dog?(Required)
Does anyone in the home have pet-related allergies?(Required)
Do you, or any members of your household, have any warrants for your arrest?(Required)
Have you or any household members ever been arrested, charged, or convicted of animal abuse, neglect or endangerment?(Required)

House and Property

Do you currently rent or own your home?(Required)
Please specify your type of residence(Required)
Do you have plans to move in the immediate future?
Do you have a pool?(Required)
Do you have a fenced yard?(Required)
Do you utilize doggie doors in your home?(Required)

Pet Information

Vet's Information

Is this your current vet?
Have your past and/or current dogs been given routine monthly heartworm prevention?(Required)

Additional Information

Have you ever owned a boxer?(Required)
Do you prefer a Male or Female boxer?(Required)
Are you willing to use a crate for your boxer?(Required)
Are you willing to go through obedience training with your boxer?(Required)

CONSENT: Please initial for each item below.

I am at least 21 yrs of age.
I would like to receive the occasional communication/newsletter from Coastal Boxer Rescue of Florida, Inc via e-mail or mailings. CBR does not sell or share any personal data.(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.