
Buddy came to us in the fall of 2018 after being found as a stray, left on the streets of Miami.  Upon arrival at the local shelter they noticed he had weakness and difficulty walking and using his back legs.  CBR could not let this sweet, handsome, boy suffer alone with no chance of getting the specific and dedicated help that he would need and while knowing the likelihood that Buddy would probably not make it out of the shelter.

Our volunteer transport team picked Buddy up at the shelter and brought him directly to be seen by one of our vets.  The vet completed a thorough exam and several diagnostics to address the different medical issues Buddy presented with. We soon learned that Buddy had Degenerative Myelopathy. Also referred to as DM, it is a painless, degenerative, neurological disease that affects the spinal cord, where the dog starts losing function of his limbs and progresses over time. (starting with the hind legs then eventually the front legs) Buddy also had some cancerous growths on his body.  We were able to have those growths removed but over his time with us a few more growths occurred, some of which were not able to be removed due to medical reasons. One of our very generous supporters offered to sponsor Buddy by taking care of all his medical costs and needs during his journey with CBR.

Buddy was a courageous, happy, determined, strong boy who had the will to push through this horrible disease. We were very lucky to have 2 foster families open their hearts and home for Buddy. Buddy was still able to walk some without needing too much help.  His first foster home gave him love and care and allowed us time to learn more about Buddy and his medical issues and how we were going to be able to help him.  A few months later Buddy was needing more assistance which required lifting him up to get around and he would need to start using a doggie wheelchair.  CBR ordered his custom wheelchair, carrying slings, boots and skates. All things that helped Buddy keep moving around.  We then put out a plea for another foster family that would able to handle Buddy’s ongoing needs.

A few weeks later his new foster family was found!  A young, active couple with two boxers of their own, who were eager and excited to help our special needs, “handi-capable” Buddy boy. From the day he arrived at their home, Buddy’s life was filled with stroller rides, wheelchair exercise, play time, park visits with furry friends, parties, beach outings and LOVE.  His foster family helped spread awareness about caring for a fur-member with degenerative myelopathy. Buddy even had his own Instagram page!

Buddy lived with them for a year, and we believe it was the most AMAZING year of his life!  Sadly, the time came when Buddy’s body started getting weaker and his spirit was no longer the same.  His recurrent cancer and the effects of DM were starting to win the battle.  With his quality of life declining his foster family, along with CBR, had to make the heartbreaking decision to let him run free over the rainbow bridge in April of 2020.  Buddy was a true Rockstar!  He touched so many lives and our hearts our happy knowing that he experienced so much life, happiness and love with our CBR family.